Schedule Drain & Press

Tasting Notes Detail

Within Tasting Notes, Drain & Press is a special action. Instead of having this action within the table where all the other actions reside, we provide this action in the upper part of the Tasting Notes Detail page. Moreover there other details about this action that are important to always see as you start to get to the end of the fermentation.

Schedule Drain & Press

  • Choose a date (required).

  • Choose a grade in the “Ferm Grade” dropdown (required).

    • This is the grade at the end of the fermentation.

  • Choose a priority (required).

    • This helps provide some guidance to the cellar on what drain & presses should be of higher or lower priority when they sequence their work.

  • Type in instructions (required)

    • These will be details about the drain & press that you want to communicate to the cellar team.

  • Click “Save” button.

Update Existing Drain & Press

  • Make updates to any of the values in the scheduling section

  • Click “Update” button.

Last updated