Resource Planning

The Resources tab within Location Maintenance provides the ability to manage resource capacity and cost projections into the future.

The Resources tab is accessed at Settings>Master Data>Location Maintenance

Entering a Location will display the resources for that location

Adding a resource

To add a resource, select 'Options' / 'Add'

Enter the details for the resource

Resource details can be editted by selecting the Edit icon next to the resource.

Adding time-phased cost and capacity information

To manage the time-phased data for a resource, select the resource, and then select 'Options/Add'

Adding capacity data

To add capacity against a resource, select Capacity as the 'Time-Phase Attribute Type'

Enter the remaining capacity information

Selecting 'Save' will then populate the capacity data (note it may be required to change the viewing time period under the 'Options' menu to see the data as entered

The time-phased data can then be edited by selecting the edit icon. Changing a value will propogate out until the next change in value (or into perpetuity if there is no change).

Adding cost data

To add cost against a resource, select Cost as the 'Time-Phase Attribute Type'

Enter the remaining cost information

Selecting 'Save' will then populate the capacity data (note it may be required to change the viewing time period under the 'Options' menu to see the data as entered

The time-phased data can then be edited by selecting the edit icon against it. Changing a value will propogate out until the next change in value (or into perpetuity if there is no change).

Last updated