Creating Tasting Notes from Inventory

At times, inventory will be updated before Tasting Notes have been created for a particular lot and vessel.

The Inventory Reconciliation feature will allow users to compare the latest inventory records with existing tasting notes, and create new tasting notes for lot/vessel combinations where they do not already exist.

To access the Inventory Reconciliation feature, go to Tasting Notes > Inventory Reconciliation.

A list of the latest inventory is now shown.

A radio button will be shown against any inventory records for which a Tasting Note does not already exist. To create a Tasting Note for the inventory record, select the radio button, and then select the 'Create Tasting Notes' button in the top right of the view

Further details can then be added into the Tasting Note before selecting 'Save' at the bottom

The Tasting Note will then be created.


  • Any inventory records that DO already have a tasting note associated them will have a link to the tasting note in the far right 'Tasting Note' column of the main view

  • Tasting Notes can only be created for one inventory record at a time.

Last updated