
Tasting Notes

A page that provides a way to have multiple ways to calculate various actions. When creating or editing an equation, you need to construct the equation elements. For example, if you want to have calculate the Gallons Received based on the tons, you have to choose the Tons, the multiplication operator and the constant to use to multiply the tons against.

To get to the page:

  • In the vinoEZ navigation bar, click on “Tasting Notes”

  • In the dropdown, click on “Tasting Notes Equation”.

Creating Actions

Before adding an equation, you need to have an action. Most actions have been created already and can be seen by clicking on the Action dropdown. If you don't see an action you need, you can create one. Here's how:

  • Click on the Action dropdown.

  • Choose "Create New Action".

  • Type in the Action Name along with the Action Description.

  • Click on "Save Action" button.

  • Now you can create some equations for this Action.

Add an equation

  • Choose an action from the dropdown where you want to add an equation to.

  • Click on the “Create Equation” button.

  • In the modal view that pops up:

    • Add an equation name

    • Choose the unit of measure

    • If you want this equation to display in Tasting Notes Detail page, click on the "Set Calculation Result As Action Value" checkbox.

      • Note: this toggles what equation is displayed for the related action for ALL Tasting Notes Detail pages.

    • Construct the equation by adding the equation elements. As you choose your elements, they go into the main equation building section. You can drag and drop the elements to reposition them.

      • Select the type of element

        • Variable - a data element that is associated with a vessel/lot (e.g. initial tons, initial brix, etc.)

        • Constant - any number you choose.

        • Operator - add, subtract, multiply, divide and parentheses.

        • Equation - you can use another equation as part of this equation

Edit an equation

  • Choose an action from the dropdown.

  • Click on the “pencil” button next to the equation you want to edit.

  • In the modal view that pops up:

    • Update the equation name

    • Update the unit of measure

    • If you want this equation to display in Tasting Notes Detail page, click on the "Set Calculation Result As Action Value" checkbox.

      • Note: this toggles what equation is displayed for the related action for ALL Tasting Notes Detail pages.

    • Edit the equation by adding the equation elements (or removing them to the trashcan). As you choose your elements, they go into the main equation building section. You can drag and drop the elements to reposition them.

      • Select the type of element

        • Variable - a data element that is associated with a vessel/lot (e.g. initial tons, initial brix, etc.)

        • Constant - any number you choose.

        • Operator - add, subtract, multiply, divide and parentheses.

        • Equation - you can use another equation as part of this equation

Delete an equation

  • Choose an action from the dropdown.

  • Click on the “trash can” button next to the equation you want to delete.

Some tips:

Using a "Rate" as part of your equation.

While constructing your equation, you have the ability to use a variable that can be filled in later...like when you're using the action during your tasting while in the Tasting Notes Detail page. This is helpful to minimize the amount of equations you need to set up that only differ by some factor. You can use this "Rate" as your "factor".

  • To use this feature, either add a new equation or edit an existing one, then do the following:

    • Choose "Variable" from "Add Equation Element" dropdown.

    • From the "Source" dropdown, choose "Tasting Note".

    • From "Tasting Note Field", choose "Rate".

    • Now you can put this variable anywhere in your equation.

Now that you've created your equation that has a rate in it, you use this in the Tasting Notes Detail page.

  • In the Tasting Notes Detail page, find the action that contains the equation that you built with the "Rate" variable.

  • Click on the checkbox for a given day for that action.

  • When the action's popup window shows, look for the "Rate" field. This is where you can type in a number and that will impact the equation based on how you set up the equation.

Last updated

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