Bulk Wine Reconciliation

Bulk Wine Reconciliation API details

GET https://<domain>.vinoez.com/api/bulk-wine-reconciliation-data?for_reporting=1

Pulls all Bulk Wine Reconciliation records using JWT (JSON Web Token) Authentication. (Please see the "Authentication" section for instructions on how to receive a JWT)

At this endpoint, the user will be required to provide their credentials in the Header as Authorization: Bearer <JWT_Token_Retrieved_From_API_Login_Endpoint_Here> along with a header key of vinoapp with a value of mobile.

Query Parameters


    "message": "Pulled Bulk Wine reconciliation data",
    "count": 5505,
    "bulk_wine_reconciliation": [
            "id": 1,
            "wpi": "XXXNVCAS12",
            "inventory_bulk_wine": 0,
            "inventory_finished_goods": 0,
            "inventory_sales": 3005.22306096,
            "vintage_forecast": 3005.22306096,
            "vintage_make": 3005.223061,
            "first_sale": "2015-10-01"
            "id": 2,
            "wpi": "XXXNVCAS13",
            "inventory_bulk_wine": 0,
            "inventory_finished_goods": 0,
            "inventory_sales": 0,
            "vintage_forecast": 0,
            "vintage_make": 0,
            "first_sale": "2001-01-01"
    "recordCount": 5505

Last updated