Main View
Harvest Scheduler
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Harvest Scheduler
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The Harvest Scheduler Main View is the central view for the Harvest Scheduler Module. This view contains, for the selected set of criteria, all the
When first entering the view, the criteria selector is shown. This allows data to be filtered down based on the criteria selected.
The criteria available are:
Pick Date
Filters based on the pick date set against the allocation
The number of days from the pick date to show in the view
Filters on the crush site set against the
Filters blocks based on the Harvest Winemaker set against the EUR (in EUR master data)
The varietal set against the EUR in the block
The use the allocation has been assigned to
The appellation of the block within the allocation
Once the required criteria have been selected, select the 'Go!' button.
This will then present the blocks fitting the criteria within the Scheduling Grid.
It is also possible to save a set of criteria if the same set of criteria is often used for filtering.
To do this, any time the criteria are selected (ie before or after selecting 'Go'), select 'Saved Criteria'.
Enter a name for the set of saved criteria. Then select 'Save'.
Next time, rather than selecting all the criteria again, select 'Saved Criteria' and any saved sets of criteria can be selected within the list.
The scheduling grid contains a lot of information and ways to interact with the schedule. Below is an overview of the various columns.
The fixed columns within the main view provide information related to the allocations (combinations of Block, Crush Site and EUR) themselves.
There are 4 fixed columns:
Info column - there are four icons here that provide additional information and ways to interact with the data:
“i” icon - when hovered over, this icon provides related master/reference data for the given block.
“grid” icon - when clicked on, this icon displays a modal view showing the history of scheduling transactions that have occurred on this block. This is helpful for understanding who has done what regarding the scheduling of the block.
“bell” icon - this icon provides warnings and errors related to the schedule. For instance, if the amount that has been scheduled exceeds the estimate.
“comment bubble” icon - this is where you can add and view any comments at the block level. The bubble will be filled in if there is a comment against it.
Block column - lists the blocks associated with the criteria that was chosen.
Crush Site column - this lists the crush sites that the block/EUR (aka “allocation”) has been assigned to.
Note: this is something that is defined and sourced from the ERP system; not defined in vinoEZ. That said, vinoEZ does have a feature where you can request site changes. (Harvest Scheduler > Site Change Request).
EUR column - this is the destined end use for the grapes coming from the block. The association of EUR to block (aka “allocation”) is defined in the ERP system; not in vinoEZ.
In addition to the fixed columns, there are a number of attributes related to the allocations which can then be added into the grid view.
To select the columns to be displayed in this section,
The schedule section of the view shows a summary of the planned picks/loads for the allocation over the period selected when selecting the criteria.
There are 2 sections within the schedule.
“Slush Zone” section (medium gray background) - these are the next 5 days of the schedule. Ideally, within this time period the schedule itself (as far as loads and pick qty go) should be firm and more details (such as number of bins, bin types, receiving times) are being filled in to inform various stakeholders.
Note: the only way to view and see the details of the pick for a given day is to double-click on the cell.
“Liquid Zone” section (light gray background) - these are the days beyond the “Slush Zone” where quick schedules can be entered in. All that is needed is the quantity to schedule.
Note: if desired, further details about the can pick can be added here by double-clicking the cell as is done in the “Slush Zone”.
For further detail on planning, creating and managing picks and loads see Managing Picks and Loads.
There are some features available when working with the main view that allow allocation and pick information to be viewed in different way.
Within the schedule section of the view, pick information is color-coded to indicate the level of planning the has occurred for the pick. To see details of what each color indicates, select the 'Legend' button.
Allocations can be grouped based on different attributes to allow sub-totalling at the group level.
To select an attribute to group by, select the 'Group' button and select the required attribute. Note only attributes currently in the view (ie selected in the 'Columns' section) will be able to be selected for grouping.
The main grid will then show the allocations in groups as per the selection, with the sub-total of tonnes and picks for each group.
Data can be exported from the Main View via 3 options in the Options menu
The Export Raw Data option will download a .xlsx file with a row for each load
The Print PDF option will print a PDF version of the current view. There are some constraints on what can be printed in a PDF:
Only the first 7 days in the view will be shown if the selected duration is longer than 7 days
Only 5 options can be selected in the 'Columns' option. Otherwise the 'Print PDF' option will not be enabled.
The Export Formatted Schedule option will export a .xlsx file containing the selected columns and days in the view, with the number of picks per day.
In order to get an indication of the number of loads required for any picks where there are currently no loads scheduled, the 'Show derived loads' option can be used. This is accessed via the Options menu.
When selected, a number of loads will be displayed for qualifying picks, based on dividing the total tons for the pick by the given number (eg 24 tons).